
* Mango Pulp- 2 Mangoes Pulp( Medium sized mango)
* Milk- 2 cup
          * Wheat Flour - 2tbsp
          * Water - As Required 
          * Sugar - As per your taste


* Mix wheat flour with water and make a smooth paste.Keep it aside
* Boil milk by adding necessary sugar (Add sugar as per mango sweetness)
* Add the wheat flour paste along with boiling milk and stir till it becomes thick creamy texture
   Switch off the flame and let it cool
* Blend the milk along with mango pulp for about 2 minutes.
* Pour it in a mold and keep in freezer for 3 hrs
* After 3 hrs blend the mixture again for about 1 min (10sec pulse)
*  Pour it back to the mold and keep it in freezer for overnight.

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