Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Hey Guys...

Myself Sreedevi and this is meant to be my first blog and that too in the world of yummy tasty foods.
I am not that big blog writer so don't expect me in high levels ;)
I love food as you all do mainly anything which is sweet. Even though I have great dinner but still space will be there on my appetite for desserts.Without desserts my dinner wont be complete.

I always want lots of food in front of me but my intake will be less :-D..And I always do eat in small quantity but in small intervals too ;)...Initially I used to eat food which is in front of me and too lazy even to go inside kitchen.

As we always says,  all will have twist in life which will give a change they haven't even dreamt of; And for me also the so called "twist" made me enter into the world of cooking.

Now I love doing my own cooking and eat those with full happiness (even though others will be having a second thought whether to taste it or not ;) ) .But Where to start from? Which site to look for ? Which recipe book to refer? What to prepare? All these questions started disturbing me.

The biggest chef for all will be their Mom, so I seeked help from my mom and started with the basics of cooking and started making bachelor's meal (Rice,Rasam,Veg Poriyal,Pickle) then slowly I started looking for varieties in the dishes and was referring to hell lots of sites, magazines for the recipes and will try out one by one making my own changes as some of the ingredients I might haven't even heard of or due to lack of availability hehe...
But after making and having my "Great Dishes" I will forget what I have made.So I started writing recipes in my notebook (I hate doing it, coz it will remind me of ma school days of writing lecture notes).Then I started taking pictures of those dishes which came great after my experiments (thanks to my sweet hubby, my ever time guinea pig LOL ) and started sharing it with my friends who are in need for new dishes.

Then I decided instead of sharing recipes through mobiles why cant I go ahead and create blog so that all can just look into this and started getting recipes without even asking me...

So my dear friends I am presenting before you my Foodie blog where you can find recipes which I have tried and succeeded.Thanks to all chefs for wonderful recipes.
Awaiting for your responses and suggestions after trying this :)

Love you all...

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